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The high-end windows and doors industry development trend

日期:2012/7/23                                                        浏览次数:1794

Branded consumer windows and doors industry development trend, especially high-end brand consumption, will become the mainstream of development of the times. In recent years, the doors and windows market has also undergone a great change, people home consumer attitudes are beginning to change, the quality and safety of the door and window products to become the preferred reason for consumers to buy.
But how so that consumers are willing to buy the product a few times? What kind of products consumers believe that high-end products? High-end products what is the Make?
Cornerstone of high-end products - superior product quality
The high pricing of high-end products, high profits, which is the outward manifestation of the high-end products, in essence, must be relatively higher product quality, excellent product quality, it would not be the brand, not to mention the high-end. The high-end concept image of the build is not empty boast, but to the facts as the basis to select the most powerful value support.
Support of high-end products - the value of mining
Shape values ​​is to find a point of difference, to form their own distinctive features, and build strong support points of the high-end products. Through the operation of thinking of some high-end products on the market and our previous experience, the anchor of the high-end brand value from a few key points to dig.
The origin of support: one soil to a party of famous, and many parts of the product due to the unique local factors such as soil, climate, water quality and its unique value or other characteristics. If we can have this unique origin advantage into brand advantage, will greatly enhance the brand of the product height and premium.
Cultural Support: clever ways these unique cultural and historical stories into the product, on the one hand, to cater to consumers seeking high-grade cultural consumer psychology, while culture comprehensive interpretation and integration of packaging, express a brand of culture. To seize the high ground of the cultural characteristics of the thick brand value and the premium is to create high-end brand is another important method.
Standard Support: general products from raw materials to processing to finished product, point of difference is not obvious, consumers will not perceive. The brands of the highest state enterprises tend to do the standard, standard in the industry, and most say. Leader to set the standard in the industry-led, positive standard lead and popularity, while promoting the industry administrative departments of established industry standards, occupying high ground, so that the whole industry to follow their own run at the same time in the minds of consumers to establish the right to speak





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